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After Waiting for Years, Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya Couple Ready to Welcome the Arrival of a Child

After Waiting for Years, Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya Couple Ready to Welcome the Arrival of a Child Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya (credit: instagram @rickyperdana06) - Good news comes from celebrity couple Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya. After waiting for three and a half years, they are ready to await the birth of their first child, whose gender is still kept secret.

"Alhamdulillah, my wife is pregnant, (the gestational age) is almost seven months. Pray that the whole process goes smoothly," said Ricky when met in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, last week.

"This has been a three and a half year wait," added Chacha in the same place.

1. Through Telephone

Considering that Indonesia and the whole world are currently being affected by the coronavirus, Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya revealed the difficulty of directly checking the condition of their child at the hospital. As a solution, they consulted with a doctor over the phone.

"The doctor doesn't recommend frequent check-ups. Because there are many sick people now, it can be done by phone," explained Chacha.

2. Asking for Advice from an Ustaz

As prospective parents, Ricky Perdana and Chacha Thakya have prepared everything, including the name. Interestingly, for the matter of the first child's name, they even asked for advice from several ustaz (Islamic scholars).

"We have prepared many good names for both boys and girls. We also asked for advice from ustaz, parents, and we will combine them to see if it can become a good name and a prayer," said Chacha, who started her career after participating in the Miss Celebrity event.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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