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Already Designated as a Suspect, Epy Kusnandar Will Undergo Rehabilitation

Already Designated as a Suspect, Epy Kusnandar Will Undergo Rehabilitation Epy Kusnandar undergoes rehabilitation © Santoso - The police have designated actor Epy Kusnandar and Yogi Gamblez as suspects in alleged drug abuse. However, the police have directed Epy Kusnandar to undergo rehabilitation.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Syahduddi said that Epy is currently undergoing treatment at the Drug Dependence Hospital (RSKO) in Jakarta due to his health condition.

"Based on the health examination by the doctor, the person is experiencing depression with blood pressure indicators of 230/91. Due to this condition, the investigators coordinated with RSKO to bring the person to the hospital," said Syahduddi at the West Jakarta Police Station on Friday (17/5/2024).

1. Health Condition

Syahduddi added that the rehabilitation plan for Epy is based on the health condition of the actor from the TV series Preman Pensiun. In addition, no evidence of drugs was found during the arrest.

"Based on humanitarian considerations, he will be treated at RSKO Jakarta, where the rehabilitation process will be conducted," said Syahduddi.

2. Yogi Caught with Evidence

The investigators have reasons why they only directed the assessment towards Epy. According to Syahduddi, Yogi Gamblez was caught with the evidence.

"Only EK, because he was found in possession of 12.34 grams of marijuana, so we will process and charge him under article 111," he said.

3. Already Undergoing Rehabilitation

Currently, Epy has already started undergoing rehabilitation. It started a few days ago when he received treatment at RSKO Jakarta.

"He is already in the rehab process, being treated at RSKO," concluded Syahduddi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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