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Already Know Divorced Ria Ricis, Teuku Ryan Asks for Prayers to Get Through the Process

Already Know Divorced Ria Ricis, Teuku Ryan Asks for Prayers to Get Through the Process Ria Ricis - Teuku Ryan © - Teuku Ryan finally speaks up about the divorce lawsuit filed by his wife, Ria Ricis, to the South Jakarta Religious Court. The father of one child already knows that his first divorce hearing will be held on February 19, 2024.

"As we all know, the South Jakarta Religious Court has provided an official statement regarding the case and will hold a hearing on February 19, 2024," said Dedi R. Armidi, Ryan's newly appointed legal representative for his divorce, on Friday (2/2).

1. Request for Best Prayers

Dedi said that his client is in good health. He asks for prayers for the best for the marriage of Ryan and Ricis, as his client will go through all the processes.

"Teuku Ryan is in good health, let us pray for the best for Ryan and his small family to be able to go through this process well and smoothly," said Dedi.

"Brother only asks the media colleagues and all parties to respond wisely to all the news that exists, because however Ryan until now is still legally the husband of RY (Ria Yunita, Ria Ricis' real name). There are children and their families that we must protect their dignity together," Dedi added.

2. Will Hold a Press Conference

Unfortunately, Dedi does not want to talk further about what issues underlie the end of Ricis and Ryan's marriage. Dedi will hold a press conference soon to address it.

"Basically, I will provide an official statement (presscon) along with the official account and official lawsuit from PA Jaksel that I received physically at Ryan's current address," Dedi concluded.

As is known, Ria Ricis filed for divorce on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, through ecourt with case number 547/Pdt.G/2024/PA.JS. The schedule for the first trial has been determined, which is on February 19, 2024.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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