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Anisa Rahma and Husband Test Positive for Covid-19, Sad to Miss Fasting in the Beginning of Ramadan

Anisa Rahma and Husband Test Positive for Covid-19, Sad to Miss Fasting in the Beginning of Ramadan Anisa Rahma (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and everyone still needs to be cautious. Despite being careful, there are still many people who are exposed to the virus, including artist Anisa Rahma from Cherrybelle. Yes, she and her husband have tested positive for Covid-19.

She announced it herself on Instagram on Thursday (15/4) yesterday. She uploaded a photo with her husband. Both of them wore masks and dressed in all black outfits.

1. Unable to Fast

Because of being infected with this virus, this beautiful celebrity who is also a businesswoman cannot fast at the beginning of the Ramadan month.

"Qodarullah, both of us tested positive for Covid-19. It's sad, we can't fast like others at the beginning of Ramadan," wrote the woman born on October 12, 1990.

2. Stay Worship

However, Anisa still strives to maximize other worship during self-quarantine at home.

"Pray for us so that we can all be together like others who can fast in this holy month. Let's maximize other worship even if only at home," Anisa concluded.

3. Remember Mother's Message

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking, KLovers. Make sure to always #RememberMothersMessage. Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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