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Anji Reveals How to Teach Children to Enjoy Ramadan Without Gadgets

Anji Reveals How to Teach Children to Enjoy Ramadan Without Gadgets Anji © Herdianto - Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, Anji admitted that he did not have any special preparations. However, there is one thing that he wants to emphasize in the upcoming fasting month, which is encouraging his children to fill the Holy Month with worship together with their friends.

When he was young, Anji admitted that he had many pleasant memories during Ramadan. Every year, Anji fasts with his friends, spending time from ngabuburit (preparing for breaking the fast) until tarawih prayer.

1. Invite Ngabuburit

Anji sees that the excitement of Ramadan when he was a child is no longer visible in this era. Children nowadays, according to Anji, prefer to be alone with their gadgets.

"Nowadays it's different, children are more individualistic. So somehow, I will make sure that children can enjoy Ramadan moments like I did. So that they remember that Ramadan is different from other months," said Anji in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, recently.

That's why Anji wants to revive his childhood moments for his children during the month of Ramadan. He will take his children for ngabuburit (breaking the fast) and hunting for takjil (food to break the fast).

"Initially, I will take them to buy takjil. Because now it's difficult, not like before. Ramadan used to be really fun. But now it's different, especially when we live in a complex," he said.

2. Anji's Children Have Started Fasting

When it comes to fasting, Anji is grateful to have children who have been practicing it since they were young. Especially Saga Omar Nagata, his eldest child who started fasting at the age of 8.

"If the child fasts during Ramadan, it has been since the age of 8. And Saga is already 12. He says, 'I want to fast', like that," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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