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Annoyed by the Actions of a Third Party in Korean Dramas, Nagita Slavina Gives a Stern Warning to Raffi Ahmad

Annoyed by the Actions of a Third Party in Korean Dramas, Nagita Slavina Gives a Stern Warning to Raffi Ahmad Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad © E Ros - Lately, Nagita Slavina has been addicted to watching Korean dramas. After watching Crash Landing on You which made her crazy about Captain Ri, now Gigi is watching another drama.

She seems to be obsessed with dramas about third parties, The World of Marriage. The actors' performances are very impressive, and it makes Gigi annoyed when there are emotional scenes.


1. Watch at Home

As seen in the YouTube video of Janji Suci aired on Trans TV recently. In the video, Nagita is watching a Korean drama in the room with Raffi who is taking a nap and Rafathar who is playing in the middle of them.

Raffi, who is tired, keeps getting pinched by Gigi who finds the scenes of the drama cute. "Dear, you're disturbing me," Raffi said after being hit on the back by Gigi.

"Ugh, this is so annoying, you know," Gigi replied with irritation, waking Raffi up.

2. Gigi Complains

After hitting Raffi's back, Gigi realized that her husband didn't change his clothes after going out. With the coronavirus, everyone is now asked to change clothes after traveling, but Raffi didn't do it.

"That's enough," Raffi said.

"No, you didn't change clothes. Seriously, look at which one was your clothes. Ugh, you're so dirty. You didn't change clothes, seriously," Gigi said angrily.

"Please don't disturb, I'm sleeping," Raffi replied.

3. Gigi Warns Raffi

Because Raffi went back to sleep, Gigi continued watching the Korean drama on television. And after seeing a scene in the drama, Gigi gave a warning to her husband.

"Ugh, it's so annoying. Be careful not to imitate movies like this," Gigi said to Raffi.

"What movie?" Raffi asked.

"A movie about women who like to steal other people's husbands. Yeah, about that," Gigi said.

"Sounds exciting," Raffi replied.

"Ugh, seriously, be careful not to imitate," Gigi continued.

It seems that Gigi really enjoys watching this trending Korean drama. She also seems afraid of losing her husband due to the presence of a third person, as happened in the drama.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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