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Astrid Kuya Reveals Her Experience Attending a Wedding During the Pandemic: The Health Protocols are Extraordinary!

Astrid Kuya Reveals Her Experience Attending a Wedding During the Pandemic: The Health Protocols are Extraordinary! Astrid Kuya attended a wedding during the pandemic (credit: instagram/astridkuya) - The Corona pandemic has forced many people who are still active outside to adapt. In order to protect themselves and those around them, it's not surprising that health protocols need to be tightened. Like at a wedding event.

Astrid Kuya, the wife of Uya Kuya, revealed her experience attending a wedding during the pandemic. She expressed her admiration for the strict health protocols that were implemented.

"Nowadays, the health protocols at weddings are extraordinary. We have to use hand sanitizer upon entering, have our body temperature checked, there are no more standing parties, we have to sit and keep our distance. The food is served, one family per table, and there is no longer handshaking with the bride," wrote Astrid Kuya, as quoted from her Instagram account (27/02).

1. Feeling Safer

Not stopping there, from her experience, Astrid also revealed that weddings nowadays are different from before. Now, guests have to be divided into several sessions to avoid crowded situations.

"There's no handshaking with the bride and groom, and taking photos with them is done from a distance with barriers. And of course, the number of attendees is limited to session 1 and session 2, so those who come feel safe," she concluded.

2. Adhering to Health Protocols

Well, the experience from Astrid Kuya earlier has surely been experienced by KLovers who have attended weddings during the pandemic. It's not being exaggerated, but in order to protect oneself and others, health protocols must always be followed.

Protecting people around us from exposure to Covid-19 is also a shared responsibility. Simple ways to do this are by wearing masks, maintaining distance, and regularly washing hands. Let's #RememberMother'sMessage!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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