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Aura Kasih Officially Divorced from Eryck Amaral

Aura Kasih Officially Divorced from Eryck Amaral Aura Kasih © - Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Aura Kasih underwent her first divorce trial at the South Jakarta Religious Court today, Wednesday (28/4). It didn't take long, the panel of judges immediately granted a divorce to Aura Kasih and Eryck Amaral.

"Alhamdulillah, today the divorce decision for Ms. Aura Kasih has been finalized. So after this, there will be no more hearings. Alhamdulillah, it was decided directly by the panel. The case is now closed," said Rahma, Aura Kasih's legal representative after the trial.

1. Reasons for the Judges' Decision

The Judges' decision to grant a divorce in absentia is due to the unknown whereabouts of Eryck Amaral, who has been away from Indonesia for a long time. In addition, Aura Kasih, as the plaintiff, attended the first hearing, allowing the Judges to make an immediate decision.

"Because the proper summons process has been followed and Erick did not appear. That was also a consideration for the immediate decision, and during the hearing, Ms. Aura Kasih also came directly, so the Judges could confirm directly with the principal and the plaintiff, and Alhamdulillah, it's finished," explained Rahma.

2. Ready for a New Status

After the divorce, Aura Kasih is ready to embrace her new status as a widow.

"Get ready, haha," concluded Aura Kasih.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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