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Rizky Febian Reveals He's No Longer a Virgin and Has Been Naughty Since Childhood, This is Sule's Comment

Rizky Febian Reveals He's No Longer a Virgin and Has Been Naughty Since Childhood, This is Sule's Comment Youtube Boy William - When being a guest on Boy William's YouTube channel, singer Rizky Febian made a surprising statement. He candidly admitted that he is no longer a virgin.

Furthermore, Rizky revealed that his father did not know the fact that he had been naughty since elementary school. When the media asked Sule about this, the comedian responded casually.

"I haven't seen it yet, when I see it, then I'll comment. Well, that's his personal matter," said Sule when met in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/4/2021).

1. Parents Cannot Force

As parents, of course Sule has provided teachings about what is right and what is wrong. However, it all goes back to the individuality of the child.

"There is religious education. Even though we as parents inform, it's like he can learn by himself. The rest is up to him, we cannot force it as parents," said the owner of the birth name Entis Sutisna.


2. Mischievous Since Childhood

As known in Boy William's YouTube channel, Rizky Febian said that he has been mischievous since childhood. Not only kissing the opposite sex, but also losing his virginity.

"I've been mischievous since junior high. I don't want to be hypocritical. (First kiss) was in junior high, elementary school," said Rizky in response to the question about his first kiss.

"No longer a virgin," added the singer of the song 'Cuek' in response to a question about his virginity.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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