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Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah


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Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

The name Sherel Thalib, who is the wife of Taqy Malik, has become a hot topic among netizens because suddenly her old photos without hijab are being circulated on the internet. Her husband couldn't hold back his anger and is ready to find out who spread Sherel's old photos. Moreover, Sherel herself has already hijrah and now appears with a syari hijab. This is the latest appearance of Sherel, Taqy Malik's wife.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Taqy Malik expresses his anger towards irresponsible individuals who spread old photos of Sherel Thalib, his wife, when she was not wearing a hijab.


Sherel's past photos were circulated on the internet through Youtube and Tiktok accounts.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Taqy feels unacceptable because his wife's old photos are being spread without consent.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Especially now that Sherel has embraced Islam and wears a hijab.


It is not uncommon for Sherel to showcase her appearance by wearing a niqab.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Although some videos have been taken down, Taqy will still report this matter to the authorities.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

Taqy does this to protect his wife and to prevent the same incident from happening in the future.

Latest Appearance of Sherel Thalib, Taqy Malik's Wife, Old Photos Without Hijab Circulate - Now Already Hijrah

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