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Aura Kasih Reduces Work in the Entertainment Industry to Take Care of Children, Not Afraid of Income

Aura Kasih Reduces Work in the Entertainment Industry to Take Care of Children, Not Afraid of Income Aura Kasih reduces work to take care of children © - Lately, Aura Kasih has rarely appeared on television. It turns out that she is currently reducing her work in the entertainment industry as a singer and actress. She admitted that she wants to focus on taking care of her beloved child, Arabella Amaral, who is now growing up.

"Yes, I am currently focusing on taking care of my child at home because my child is already growing up. I am also running several businesses, so my entertainment activities are limited," said Aura Kasih when met in the Kalibata area, South Jakarta some time ago.

1. Selective in Choosing Roles

Despite receiving many offers to act in films, Aura Kasih has started to be selective in choosing the roles she will play. Realizing that she already has a child, Aura Kasih only wants to take on roles that are reasonable.

"I am very picky when it comes to films. There are many offers, but I have to choose. The scenes also need to be appropriate. I already have a child, so I think, no, I won't take anything that is not reasonable," said the singer of the song "Mari Bercinta."

2. Not Afraid of Sustenance

Being a single parent since divorcing Eryck Amaral in April 2021 certainly makes Aura Kasih's life more difficult. But she never feels afraid of sustenance. Aura Kasih believes that sustenance is already arranged by Allah SWT as long as she continues to strive and pray.

"It's really tough because I'm here as a single parent and I'm the backbone. But again, I never feel afraid because sustenance never gets mixed up like that, it flows and includes Allah in every journey," she said.

"So I'm one of those people who might be confident. I continue to strive, but I think maybe my sustenance is somewhere else so I won't give up. But Alhamdulillah, there's always something, but we just have to surrender and keep striving," Aura Kasih concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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