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Aurel Hermansyah Asks 'Are You Serious About Me?', Atta Halilintar Confirms Yes and It's Never Staged

Aurel Hermansyah Asks 'Are You Serious About Me?', Atta Halilintar Confirms Yes and It's Never Staged Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar (credit: Herdianto) - Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar are really good at making their fans feel fond of their closeness. Since collaborating, they are often paired together because they are really close.

Many have hoped that they are dating. So are they actually dating or not? Well, these talented stars seem to still not want to label their relationship as dating. But what's clear is that they are serious and ready to step into an official relationship.


1. Atta Serious

In his latest vlog with Aurel Hermansyah, Atta answers questions from curious netizens about their relationship. Aurel reads the questions while Atta provides the answers.

When reading one of the questions, Aurel suddenly gets very excited. "Are you serious about me?" says Aurel. With confidence, Atta replies, "Serious!"

2. Atta Never Jokes Around

Not only that, Atta also gives reasons why he dares to say he's serious. The YouTuber, who already has more than 20 million subscribers, says he never jokes around when he's close to a girl.

"If I have a relationship with someone, I rarely joke around, I will be serious. Since the beginning. So I never set up anything, never any gimmicks," he said.

3. Next Video!

Well, let's hope Atta and Aurel will stay together for a long time. Stay happy and stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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