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Baim Wong Undergoes Cataract Surgery Even Though It's Not Urgent, Wants to Play Games Comfortably Soon

Baim Wong Undergoes Cataract Surgery Even Though It's Not Urgent, Wants to Play Games Comfortably Soon Baim Wong © Herdianto - Despite being active and happy with vlogs on Youtube, Baim Wong apparently feels pain in his eyes. He revealed this in his Youtube channel last Friday (1/5).

He feels blurry in one of his eyes. Baim suspects it's a symptom of cataracts.

"I have a problem with my eye. The left one, when I'm like this, it's blurry. I think it's cataracts because I've experienced this before," he said on the way to the hospital.

1. Already 1 Month

He also revealed how afraid he was to go to the hospital. Yup, he has been experiencing blurred vision for the past month.

"At first, I was scared to go to the hospital. It has been holding for a month. It turns out that it's even more uncomfortable to see everything blurry," he said.

2. As Expected

After undergoing various tests at an eye hospital, Baim's suspicion was proven true. He has cataracts and needs to undergo surgery immediately.

"It turns out to be true, so there is cataract in my eyes as predicted. And it needs to be operated because it's hereditary and I'm still young, how can I have cataracts," Baim said.

3. Not Urgent

However, apparently the doctor actually assessed that this operation is not too urgent.

"But the doctor also said it's not urgent, if cataracts can be operated on anytime. But I just told him to do it as soon as possible. I'm uncomfortable playing Mobile Legend," said Baim.

4. Successful Operation

The operation went smoothly. Baim was completely sedated. He only felt drowsy and fell asleep during the operation. When he woke up, he found that his eyes were back to normal.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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