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Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura

Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura


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Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura

The dream of Vanessa Angel and Bibi to buy a house for their son finally came true. This happy news was posted on the IG story of their friend, Marissya Icha. She also captured the condition of Gala's new house.

The house is very big and has many rooms. There are still many things that need to be improved to make it even more suitable. Let's take a look at Gala's big and luxurious house here!

Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura

This is the appearance of Gala's house that could finally be bought with the donation funds.


This house consists of many rooms and spaces. In the future, there is still much that needs to be renovated to make it more suitable.


This house dedicated to Vanessa Angel's son is very large and estimated to be worth Rp2.4 billion.


In addition to sharing Gala's house condition, Marissya also expresses gratitude to the public who have kindly donated part of their fortune for the little one's house.

Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura

However, this house still leaves some unfinished tasks. It will be renovated soon, and the renovation costs will be borne by Mr. Faisal.


It turns out this new house is still close to Vanessa and Bibi's rented house, precisely located in Permata Mediterania, West Jakarta.

Big and Has Many Rooms, 8 Portraits of Gala Sky's New House Worth 2.4 Billion - Netizens Say It Has a Less Pleasant Aura

Uploads from friends have attracted a lot of attention, to the point of being reposted by gossip accounts. Many netizens are also happy.


However, there are also netizens who say that the house has a negative aura. "Sorry if you see the new house's aura as unpleasant, even though there are many new houses at that price, but let's just say bismillah," said one netizen on one of the gossip accounts.