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Celebrate Amora's Birthday with Krisdayanti, Atta Halilintar: Happy to be Part of Uncle Raul Lemos' Family

Celebrate Amora's Birthday with Krisdayanti, Atta Halilintar: Happy to be Part of Uncle Raul Lemos' Family Aurel and Atta celebrate Amora Lemos' birthday (credit: instagram/attahalilintar) - Artist Atta Halilintar and his wife, Aurel Hermansyah, gave a special gift in the form of a large Teddy Bear doll to their sibling, Amora Lemos. The child of Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos just turned 10 years old on Sunday, September 5, 2021.

On the happy day of their beloved child, Krisdayanti celebrated the birthday party simply at their residence. Even, the birthday party of Amora was attended by their closest family members.

As older siblings, Atta and Aurel felt happy for their younger sibling's birthday. The couple, who got married on April 3, 2021, gave a special gift to their beloved sibling in the form of a large Teddy Bear doll.

"I'm really happy to give a gift to Amora," said Atta Halilintar in Jakarta, on Thursday (9/9/2021).

1. Happy to Have Many Siblings

Since marrying Aurel Hermansyah, Atta Halilintar's relationship with Krisdayanti's family has been very good. As a son-in-law, Atta Halilintar admitted that he is happy to be able to maintain a good relationship with his mother-in-law.

"I'm happy, now I'm also part of Om Raul and Mimi KD's family, so I made surprises and everything, happy," said Atta Halilintar.

His love for Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos' children is the same as his love for his other siblings. Moreover, since marrying Aurel Hermansyah, Atta Halilintar's siblings have increased to 13 people.

"It's like my other siblings. I have many siblings, there are 10 more, Arsy Arsya, Azriel, and then Kellen and Amora. So I'm happy to have many siblings," concluded Atta Halilintar.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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