A Series of Syahrini's Portraits During Ramadan, Focusing on Completing the Recitation of the Quran Together with Reino Barack - Not Many Posts on Social Media
Here are a series of Syahrini's portraits during Ramadan. Curious?
Kapanlagi.com - The KapanLagi Buka Bareng event is held again in this year's Ramadan. The first episode of 'KapanLagi Buka Bareng Vol 2' is enlivened by the presence of various interesting stars, including the beautiful chef Vania Wibisono.
Now, in this episode, Vania Wibisono shares a simple iftar recipe, which is Wedang Ronde and Telur Geprek. Curious?
© KapanLagi.com
On Friday (16/4), the first episode of KapanLagi Buka Bareng Vol 2 was held. Chef Vania Wibisono shared an interesting iftar recipe, which is wedang ronde.
Vania demonstrated the various processes of making wedang ronde. Starting from making the ronde to the ginger broth. The beautiful woman also gave tips to not use powdered ginger but real ginger.
© KapanLagi.com
In addition to wedang ronde, Vania also showed a simple yet delicious iftar food recipe. She provides tips for making telur geprek (smashed eggs) which are simple and can be eaten immediately.
So, KLovers, which menu from chef Vania will you try? And don't forget the next KapanLagi Buka Bareng episode with even more interesting guests!
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Here are a series of Syahrini's portraits during Ramadan. Curious?
Titled Piring Kebersamaan, KLovers can enjoy a series of interesting entertainment to accompany the time of ngabuburit and breaking the fast.
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