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Choose IVF Program for Third Child, Turns Out This is Jessica Iskandar's Reason

Choose IVF Program for Third Child, Turns Out This is Jessica Iskandar's Reason - This happy news comes from the couple Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag. They have just announced the pregnancy of their third child. However, Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag have chosen to undergo an IVF program.

During a virtual press conference on Monday (20/5), Jedar, as Jessica Iskandar is affectionately known, revealed her reason for using the IVF program. It turns out she did it so that the birth of her third child could coincide with the Year of the Dragon, which falls this year.

"We obtained the best embryo through a very advanced technology, especially the one available in Surabaya," said Jessica Iskandar.

"We also wanted to have a child born in the Year of the Dragon," she added.

1. Want to Minimize the Birth of Imperfect Babies

When asked further, Jedar also stated that she wants to minimize the birth of babies who are less perfect because she considers her pregnancy at the age of 35 to be vulnerable.

"There are also many people asking, So Jessica is already pregnant twice, why suddenly IVF? Maybe the first reason is because we want to have healthy embryos, because the risk of pregnancy above the age of 35 is higher," she said.

"So to minimize the risk of babies being born with disabilities, which of course none of us want," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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