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Comeback After a Long Break, Actress Adenu Plans for a New Single in Early 2021

Comeback After a Long Break, Actress Adenu Plans for a New Single in Early 2021 Adenu / Credit: Personal Documentation - Beautiful actress Adenu has not been seen on the screen for quite some time. She did decide to take a break from the world that has made her name famous due to other commitments.

However, welcoming the new year, Adenu apparently chooses to make a comeback. But Adenu wants to start her career from scratch, not in the acting world.

"Art is actually difficult to let go of, it was just a break back then because of other commitments that are not related to art. Currently, I am preparing some content as a host discussing music and culinary," she said when met in Jakarta, not long ago.



1. New Single Release in 2021

If in the past he pursued a career in acting, it seems that Adenu now wants to try his luck in the music industry. In the early months of 2021, he plans to release a new single.

"I am also working on a new single which is scheduled to start the process in January, the genre is pop," he said.

Therefore, Adenu hopes that his desired career path goes smoothly so that he can entertain many people again.

"I am not aiming for something big, let's just create and leave other matters to the higher power," he concluded.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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