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Congratulations to Larissa Chou on the Birth of Her Second Child, Here are 8 Photos of the Baby Whose Face is Still Hidden - Has a Long and Beautiful Name

Congratulations to Larissa Chou on the Birth of Her Second Child, Here are 8 Photos of the Baby Whose Face is Still Hidden - Has a Long and Beautiful Name

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Congratulations to Larissa Chou on the Birth of Her Second Child, Here are 8 Photos of the Baby Whose Face is Still Hidden - Has a Long and Beautiful Name

Larissa Chou is happy. She has just given birth to her second child. As seen on Instagram, Larissa went through labor accompanied by her mother and husband. The little one was born safely and given a meaningful name. Here are the details. 


Happiness fills Larissa Chou's heart. Her second child has finally been born. It is known that she gave birth at Mayapada Hospital Bandung.


Larissa is not alone, her birth mother, Julie Tan, is accompanying her. Her loyal husband is also by her side. On her personal Instagram, Larissa announced the birth of her daughter.

Congratulations to Larissa Chou on the Birth of Her Second Child, Here are 8 Photos of the Baby Whose Face is Still Hidden - Has a Long and Beautiful Name

"Alhamdulillah, Alesha Alifa Habatillah Rosadi. Masya Allah TabarakAllah. We thank you very much for your prayers," Larissa wrote on Instagram.


Larissa's little daughter looks calm lying on the bed. A small blanket warms her body. Larissa's husband also carried her.


The face of Larissa's second child is still being hidden. Nevertheless, many netizens speculate that baby Alesha has inherited her mother's beauty.


The comment section on Larissa's Instagram is instantly crowded with netizens. They flock to congratulate and write prayers for Larissa and her child.


"Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah ala ni'matillah, allahumma sholli ala sayyidina muhammad, barakallah sayang @larissachou semoga Allah shalihah-kan Alesha dan bundanya sehat," tulis Umi Pipik.


Doa Umi Pipik ramai diaminkan oleh para netizen. Total ada 4 ribu lebih ucapan di kolom komentar. Selain Umi Pipik, ada juga Shandy Purnamasari hingga Anisa Rahma di sana.