Kapanlagi.com - The celebrity family of Anang Hermansyah never ceases to be the center of attention in Indonesian society. Whatever this family does always becomes a hot topic. Right, netizens, they know everything, Aurel Hermansyah who is currently pregnant and rumored to be giving birth soon.
Artist Aurel Hermansyah will give birth to her first child soon. Based on the Estimated Due Date (EDD), Aurel is expected to give birth in February 2022. This birth moment has been eagerly awaited, not only by the extended family but also by Indonesian netizens. Are the online aunties ready to take care of her from a distance?
The grandparents have changed their status, what should they be called? Anang doesn't mind his new status. In fact, he is happy to be a grandpa. As a musician who already has grandchildren, Anang admits that he still wants to look cool even though he is a grandpa now. Maybe Anang wants to be called Uncle?
1. Anang Wants to be Cool in Front of His Grandchild

Aurel Hermansyah & Family (Photo credit: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah)
"It's okay for grandfathers to play crypto. Grandfathers who are very millennial, grandfathers who play crypto and have ASIX tokens, it's fun, right?" said Anang Hermansyah in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (2/2/2022).
Wow, can his grandchild be taught to play crypto since infancy? Anang admitted that he feels he must always follow trends to appear young even though he is already a grandfather. Furthermore, Anang also revealed his reasons for venturing into the world of crypto token business.
"Later, Baby A (Aurel and Atta Halilintar's child) will say, 'Wow, my grandfather is cool, right? So trendy,'" said Anang.
2. Extraordinary Preparations to Welcome Baby A

Aurel Hermansyah (Credit photo: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah)
Being a sultan, it's no wonder that the preparations to welcome the baby must be total. The first child always wants to give the best. The room for future Baby A is luxurious, with a purple nuance. Have you seen it, KLovers? It is rumored that Ashanty and Anang will live in Aurel's house once the baby is born, so they can help take care of the baby.
It is reported that Atta has rented an entire floor of a hospital for Aurel's delivery process. This is done because Atta is following the government's regulations, especially now that the pandemic has not subsided, making the delivery process more sterile.
Atta and Aurel have also prepared clothes for the future baby. It can be seen from one of the videos on Atta and Aurel's YouTube channel, where Krisdayanti also helps prepare everything for the grandchild.
3. Everyone Becomes Protective

Aurel Hermansyah & Atta Halilintar (Photo credit: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah)
The imminent birth of Aurel makes everyone nervous. After all, she is the first grandchild, so netizens also think about becoming a future auntie, right? Mimi KD even said that she needs to stay at home because the birth is near, she said she is in a state of seclusion. Mimi KD is now stalking Atta and Aurel, don't worry, Mimi KD, netizens are ready to help monitor them on IG.
Atta has also reduced his workload, wow, he's in alert mode as a husband, Papata. Moreover, Aurel already feels cramped, she often complains about body aches and difficulty sleeping.
"Maybe because I'm getting bigger, I start to feel aches. So now I can only sleep at three or four in the morning, I can't sleep earlier. That's why the doctor said after the quarantine, go straight to the hospital. Luckily, the doctor is available today, after this, I'm going to the hospital," said Aurel Hermansyah in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, on Monday (17/1).
4. Preparing for the Birth Date

Aurel Hermansyah & Atta Halilintar (Photo credit: Instagram.com/attahalilintar)
Aurel's pregnancy has reached 9 months, it's getting close. This big pregnancy also makes Aurel difficult to move, just waiting for the right time to give birth. Is Aunty online ready with a gift for baby A? Make sure to keep monitoring so you can congratulate Papata and Mamanur. Atta and Aurel are always diligent in checking with the obstetrician.
"Just counting the days. Today we're going to the hospital to determine the approximate date of delivery," said Atta Halilintar.
5. Want the Baby to be Born Healthy

Aurel Hermansyah & Atta Halilintar (Photo credit: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah)
Aurel Hermansyah also hopes that the condition of her baby and herself will be healthy until the time of delivery. Let's pray together for Aurel and her baby's health.
"The most important thing is that the baby is healthy, the mommy is healthy, and the timing is right," concluded Aurel Hermansyah.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.