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Court Confirms First Divorce Hearing of Aura Kasih and Eryck Amaral on April 28, 2021

Court Confirms First Divorce Hearing of Aura Kasih and Eryck Amaral on April 28, 2021 Aura Kasih and Eryck Amaral (credit: - The South Jakarta Religious Court (PA) has confirmed that the first divorce hearing between Aura Kasih and her husband Eryck Amaral will be held on April 28, 2021. Previously, it was reported that their first divorce hearing would be held on April 24, but the South Jakarta PA clarified it.

"The agenda for the first hearing is on April 28, 2021. We are correcting the news that previously stated April 24, it is not 24 but April 28, 2021," said Taslimah, the spokesperson for the South Jakarta PA, on Wednesday (17/3).

1. Radio Calling

Because the defendant, Eryck Amaral, is unknown whether he is still in Indonesia or abroad, the South Jakarta PA has called through mass media, namely radio.

“Because the defendant's whereabouts are unknown in the Indonesian territory, the court summons will be conducted through mass media. The mass media used in the South Jakarta Religious Court is radio,” Taslimah explained.

2. First Hearing Agenda

Taslimah also explained that the agenda for the first hearing is mediation. The court hopes that both parties can attend.

“For the first hearing, it is for reconciliation. The plaintiff must attend accompanied by their legal representative. If the defendant is aware of the hearing on April 28 and attends, the first hearing will still proceed with reconciliation and mediation,” she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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