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Deddy Corbuzier Often Creates Content Without Wearing a Shirt, Here's Why!

Deddy Corbuzier Often Creates Content Without Wearing a Shirt, Here's Why! Deddy Corbuzier (credit: - Deddy Corbuzier, a host, mentalist, and now also a podcaster, Deddy is known for his unique style. One of the things that draws attention is his habit of uploading content on Instagram without wearing a shirt. What is really behind this controversial decision?

In his podcast aired on Podhub on March 3, 2025, Deddy explained that his decision to not wear a shirt while creating content is not unusual. He likened his actions to the habits of many men at home who feel hot and choose to take off their shirts. The difference is that Deddy does it in front of the camera and uploads it to social media, which certainly attracts the attention of netizens.

“The issue is not whether I wear a shirt or not, but the context of the video I create,” said Deddy. According to him, many people only focus on his appearance without a shirt, while there is a message and context that he wants to convey in the video.

1. Relaxation Habits at Home


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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