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Digging Deeper into Cinta Laura's Life, Mindful in Shopping to the Meaning of Happiness for Her

Digging Deeper into Cinta Laura's Life, Mindful in Shopping to the Meaning of Happiness for Her Cinta Laura (credit: - Written by: Lily Ariani

Cinta Laura has become one of the most admired artists in the country. How could she not be, this German-Indonesian blooded artist has a lot of talents. Cinta is involved in various fields, ranging from acting, modeling, to singing.

In addition to being active in the entertainment world, Cinta Laura is also an activist. This beautiful artist is known for her high concern for social and educational issues. She often becomes an inspiration for young people because of her always positive thinking. Although her name is included in the list of famous artists, Cinta is rarely seen flaunting her wealth and is better known for her principle of not squandering money.

Having the opportunity to answer various random questions from the KapanLagi team, Cinta Laura shares a lot of information about her life. She is not shy about revealing her thoughts and lifestyle. Curious about the complete details? Check out the information below.

1. Personal Gift

Giving and receiving gifts is a common tradition when someone has a birthday. This is also a part of Cinta Laura's life. In an interview with KapanLagi, Cinta shared details about the best birthday gift she has ever received.

Cinta explained that she once received a gift from someone special. The gift was a personally made album and handmade crafts. Cinta explained that the album was made by the gift giver themselves.

"There was someone who really made their own arts and crafts photo album, they cut the photos, attached decorations, and the writing was also very personal," said Cinta excitedly. She continued, "I like personal gifts. It doesn't matter if they are expensive or not. But if they come from the heart and have a high level of effort, that's what's most important to me."

2. Mindful in Spending Money

Cinta Laura is known for rarely showing off her wealth. Although in her daily life Cinta Laura often appears luxurious, in reality Cinta actually doesn't like shopping. She indeed doesn't like to squander money. Compared to shopping, Cinta prefers to invest her money in business.

Thanks to her lifestyle, Cinta doesn't have any regrets about buying things. The German-Indonesian mixed actress revealed, "I am very mindful. If I buy something, it's a necessity, so I never buy unnecessary things."

3. Dream House

For Cinta Laura, a dream house doesn't need to be spacious and luxurious. She wants a house that is simple and blends with nature. However, Cinta also wants her house to have modern elements.

She explained with a laugh, "My dream house is a simple and straightforward house that blends with nature. But at the same time, it has advanced technology inside the house. So it's modern but simple and blends with nature, how about that."

4. Meaning of Happiness for Love

Cinta Laura can be said to have mature thoughts about the concept of happiness. She realizes that happiness is not something constant and ever-changing. Based on that thinking, Cinta hopes to feel content in life.

“I think happiness and feeling content are somewhat different. Feeling content is more... I've talked about this with Maudy, it's more about comfort, about feeling... just feeling content and peaceful. Happiness is not constant, not stable, always changing. So I really want to feel content. Grateful,” said Cinta Laura with a satisfied smile.

5. Discover More Interesting Facts about Cinta Laura!

There are still many interesting information and facts about Cinta Laura. If KLovers want to know more, watch the complete video below!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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