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Doddy Sudrajat Reported for Defamation Case, Gus Rofi'i Highlights Inappropriate Post

Doddy Sudrajat Reported for Defamation Case, Gus Rofi'i Highlights Inappropriate Post Doddy Sudrajat Reported for Defamation Case © Akrom Sukarya - The name Doddy Soedrajat continues to be in the spotlight with various controversies. Recently, he was reported to the police by Gus Rofi'i. Allegedly, Doddy has committed defamation.

Rofi'i came to fulfill the summons from the Jakarta Metropolitan Police on Wednesday (28/12). He came all the way from Kediri, East Java. Rofi'i admitted to criticizing Doddy's unethical posts.

"Alhamdulillah, we have undergone the examination following the procedure, asked various questions, including those related to the posts that we consider very unethical. He commented on what was my good intention," he said when met at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police on Wednesday (28/12).

At that time, a video circulated of Rofi'i asking Doddy not to reveal Vanessa Angel's grave. If the request was followed, Rofi'i promised a cellphone. Apparently, Doddy responded to the video.

1. Not a Prank

Through his Instagram story, Doddy mentioned that even if Rofi'i gave him a cellphone factory, it wouldn't change his decision. Rofi'i admitted that he was already annoyed with Doddy, who still wanted to move Vanessa Angel's grave.

"I mean, giving him a cellphone yesterday wasn't a prank or a hoax, it was serious. Because I've tried various ways to make Mr. Doddy not have any intention of exhuming the grave," he said.

2. Still Going to Exhume

"But it turns out that every time journalists ask, 'Of course we will exhume it,' but until this moment Mr. Doddy Sudrajat has never sent a letter to the relevant department or to the grave caretaker, there's nothing," Rofi'i continued.

For Rofi'i, Doddy's decision to move the grave is inappropriate. Because Vanessa and Bibi have been role models for many people for a long time.

3. Not Right

"Mr. Doddy is not right, at this moment the deceased couple have become role models for building a household even though the test is difficult, Mr. Doddy is present but wants to disturb the grave, poor his child (Gala)," concluded Rofi'i.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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