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Doesn't Want to Delay, Ferry Irawan Immediately Divorces Anggia Novita

Doesn't Want to Delay, Ferry Irawan Immediately Divorces Anggia Novita Ferry Irawan © Herdianto - Ferry Irawan is a little disappointed because the first hearing of his divorce with Anggia Novita had to be postponed due to the absence of the plaintiff in the trial.

In the courtroom, the 44-year-old man immediately pronounced triple divorce in front of the judge of the South Jakarta Religious Court.

"Today's hearing was postponed because the plaintiff did not attend, allegedly because the plaintiff was sick and brought an official letter from Abdi Waluyo Hospital," said Lapana, Ferry Irawan's lawyer after the trial, on Thursday (6/8).

"But earlier, my client immediately stated triple divorce to the judge. The judge mentioned that 'I received information from Mr. Ferry that this procedural law must still be carried out,'" Lapana added.

1. Reasons for Immediate Divorce

One of the reasons Ferry Irawan immediately gave his wife a triple divorce (talak tiga) is that he no longer wants to reconcile and is currently in recovery from a ruptured blood vessel in his head.

"And I think I've heard enough, meaning it's his right from the other party to talk about me however they want, so what else can I think," said Ferry Irawan.

In addition, his decision to immediately divorce his wife has been well thought out. Moreover, the desire to separate came from his wife herself.

"I think I've prayed istikharah as well. I have only deepened my religion all this time, increased my worship, so I think if it is the will of the plaintiff to divorce me, then it's done. I have also spoken to the judge to issue the divorce," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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