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Kapanlagi.com - The passing of Emilia Contessa has left a deep sorrow for the family, especially for Denada. The senior artist was reported to have passed away on January 27, 2025.
Through a post on social media, Denada recently shared the last message sent by her mother just two days before her passing. The screenshot is filled with expressions of love and heartfelt prayers.
The late Emilia Contessa wrote a final message containing care and prayers for Denada and her daughter, Aisha. Here is the content of Emilia Contessa's last message to Denada.
Denada reveals her mother's last chat (credit: Instagram.com/denadaindonesia/)
Denada shared a screenshot of her last conversation with her late mother, Emilia Contessa. In her post, Denada revealed that this message was sent by her mother two days before her passing, specifically on January 25, 2025. Emilia Contessa expressed her love by asking about her daughter's well-being.
"January 25, 2 days before Mama left, we chatted like this Ma @senator_emiliacontessa. I love you forever my Lady Boss," Denada wrote as in the caption @denadaindonesia.
Denada reveals the last chat with her mother (credit: Instagram.com/senator_emiliacontessa)
As is known, Emilia Contessa passed away on January 27, 2025, in Banyuwangi, East Java. In the conversation before her passing, Emilia Contessa ensured that Denada was doing well. She asked with great concern about her daughter's feelings.
"Are you okay? Are you happy? Not feeling sad, right?" Message from Emilia Contessa.
Denada reveals the last chat with her mother (credit: Instagram.com/denadaindonesia/)
Denada replied to her mother's question in just two minutes. The 46-year-old singer claimed she was doing well. Additionally, she was curious about why her mother was asking about Denada's condition. Emilia Contessa replied to Denada's message, stating that she was asking for her daughter's happiness.
"No, it's okay, Mom hahaha. Why do you ask, huh?" said Denada.
"Well, that's what I asked Allah for," replied Emilia Contessa.
Denada reveals the last chat with her mother (credit: Instagram.com/denadaindonesia/)
In this brief conversation, Denada wrote a fairly long message. She asked her mother to always pray for her and her daughter, Aisha. Denada also assured that she was doing well and asked her mother not to worry. In addition, this beautiful singer advised her mother to always be granted health.
"Yes, Mom, thank you, Mom, just keep praying for me, okay? Alhamdulillah Mom, Aisha is healthy, and my work, alhamdulillah, is always there here and there. So, being healthy is the most important thing, right? Allah, insyaallah, will always help me. The important thing is for Mom to keep praying for me. So that Allah always protects and helps me. All is well, Mom. Don't worry, okay?" explained Denada.
Denada reveals the last chat with her mother (credit: Instagram.com/denadaindonesia/)
Not only for Denada, Emilia Contessa also prayed for her granddaughter, Aisha. In her message, she wrote a touching sentence for the well-being of Denada and her granddaughter, Aisha. This message became Emilia Contessa's last prayer for Denada.
"Ameen ya Allah, Insya Allah, may Allah grant all the best for you and Aisha, Ameen," wrote Emilia Cotessa.
Denada reveals the last chat with her mother (credit: Instagram.com/senator_emiliacontessa)
Now, it has been a week since the passing of Emilia Contessa. This senior artist was reported to have a history of diabetes and high blood pressure as confirmed by her manager, Risna Ories. Her passing has left a deep sorrow for her family, friends, and fans who remember her contributions to the entertainment industry.
That was Emilia Contessa's last message two days before her passing for Denada. Follow the latest celebrity news only on Kapanlagi.com. If not now, when?
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