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Experience the Latest Beauty Treatment at Ella Skin Care, Heidiana Tjahjadi is Amazed with the Results

Experience the Latest Beauty Treatment at Ella Skin Care, Heidiana Tjahjadi is Amazed with the Results Heidiana Tjahjadi © Kafril - Innovation in order to satisfy consumers must be done for every beauty clinic. Technological advancements also provide various new methods to make women look more beautiful and confident after treatment.

This was also done by Ella Skin Care when they opened their newest branch in Tebet, South Jakarta, last weekend. In the soft opening of Ella Skin Care's 16th branch, besides inviting beauty vloggers to try the latest treatment experience, Ella Skin Care also introduced several of its newest treatments.

"We are launching 3 new treatments, namely DNA Skin Booster Laser, Bright Booster Laser, and Optima Bright Rejuve. These three treatments combine various technologies," said Dr. Elia Gunawan during a conversation with the media, Saturday (29/2).

1. Admit Highly Recommended

One of the Beauty Vloggers who experienced the experince at Ella Skin Cara at that time, Heidiana Tjahjadi admitted that the treatment carried out by this beauty clinic is highly recommended. Because according to her, the facilities offered are very complete.

"Highly recommended according to me, because the facilities here are very complete, and there are no obstacles at all when undergoing treatment," said Heidiana Tjhajadi.

2. Impressed with the Results

In addition, Heidiana even admitted that she didn't feel anything at all when undergoing one of the treatment processes. Then after seeing the results, this beautiful vlogger was impressed with the results of the treatment she tried.

"During the treatment, when being lasered, I didn't feel any pain or anything at all. Suddenly after the treatment, seeing the results, 'why is my face brighter, pores smaller,' I'm really satisfied, so I don't need heavy makeup anymore," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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