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Finally Having a New House, Herfiza Novianti Says Finding a House is Like Finding a Soulmate

Finally Having a New House, Herfiza Novianti Says Finding a House is Like Finding a Soulmate Herfiza Novianti (Credit: - The presence of the Covid-19 pandemic has presented its own challenges for many people. However, there are still many who remain productive and can fulfill their desires, one of them is the couple Herfiza Novianti and Ricky Harun.

Yes, amidst this pandemic, they finally managed to fulfill their desire to have a house. Herfiza herself conveyed this in her Instagram post on Wednesday (24/3) ago. She even mentioned how finding a house is like finding a soulmate.

1. Like a Soulmate

"They say a house is like a soulmate. Maybe it's true. It has been quite a long journey for us in finding a house," said the 33-year-old actress.

No wonder it took a long time, because it's not easy to find a house that is suitable for Herfiza and her husband's hearts.

2. Taste and Price

"There are things that I like, but my husband doesn't. There are things that my husband likes, but I don't. There are things that we both like, but we don't like the price. Hahaha," said this mother of four children.

Now, they have found a new house. The house is currently undergoing renovation and being arranged according to their taste.

3. Finally Found

"Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah, finally when we found this house, we immediately felt comfortable. There is a feeling like 'this is the house'," said the film star KAMBING JANTAN with gratitude.

The pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to own a house. However, always remember to #IngatPesanIbu. Wash your hands regularly, wear a mask, maintain distance, avoid crowds, and limit mobility.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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