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Finally Meeting Dennis Lyla After 3 Years of Separating Houses, Thalita Latief Screams to Express Emotions

Finally Meeting Dennis Lyla After 3 Years of Separating Houses, Thalita Latief Screams to Express Emotions Thalita Latief: Akrom Sukarya - After three years of living apart, Thalita Latief and Dennis Lyla met at the Central Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (6/4/2021). They were present to undergo mediation regarding Thalita Latief's divorce petition.

Moments after they entered and met in the mediation room, Thalita Latief's voice could be heard screaming emotionally from inside the courtroom. It is not known exactly what Thalita was talking about that made her speak in a high tone.


1. Thalita Admits to Feeling Relieved

After the mediation, Thalita admitted to feeling relieved as she had expressed all the issues in her marriage with Dennis Lyla since 2011.

"Yes, I am relieved because finally, from a legal perspective, I can know the actual situation. From the beginning, I have said that I will fight for my rights and the rights of my child without lies," said Thalita Latief.

"Yes, that's what I did in the mediation room. I wanted to speak the truth and not lies. Whatever the reaction, well, how is it? I have been waiting for this for years. That's what happened inside," she continued.

2. Dennis Understands Thalita's Emotions

Meanwhile, Dennis said it was understandable for Thalita to shout in the mediation room. He understood Thalita's behavior.

"Well, in mediation, there are always things that we let out, that's the function of mediation. Thank God everything is finished. The discussion is more about, well, my family case, it's not ethical for me to talk about it in public," he said.

When asked if he would maintain his marriage with Thalita, Dennis has not given a definite statement.

"We'll see the outcome in court. Whatever is best," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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