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Having No Assets in Her Name During Marriage to Hotma Sitompul - Expelled, Desiree: Don't Treat Women Like Trash

Having No Assets in Her Name During Marriage to Hotma Sitompul - Expelled, Desiree: Don't Treat Women Like Trash Desiree Tarigan © Santoso - The marriage of famous lawyer Hotma Sitompul with Desiree Tarigan is currently in the spotlight. It's not just about the sudden eviction of his wife from the house, but also the fact that during their decades of marriage, Hotma did not provide any assets in Desiree's name.

When asked, the mother of musician Bams never questioned this fact to her husband. She just went along with it because she believed that their marriage would never have any problems.

1. Don't Treat Us Like Trash

Now that she has been expelled, Desiree Tarigan feels like discarded trash because she is no longer useful. She has a message for all men and also gives advice to Indonesian women to learn from the problems she has experienced.

"To husbands, to men, don't treat us women like trash. Maybe we are no longer useful, maybe we have become a burden, but don't throw us away like trash when we get old. And to mothers, women, think a thousand times before getting married, don't just marry anyone," Desiree said during a press conference at her residence in Cipete, South Jakarta, on Monday (29/3/2021).

2. Receiving Joint Property

Even if the marriage between Desiree Tarigan and Hotma Sitompul eventually ends in divorce, although she does not have any assets under her name, Desi will still receive the division of joint property. This is stated in the Marriage Law.

"We haven't talked about property yet, so we don't want to discuss it. But according to the marriage law, regardless of whether it's under the wife's or husband's name, if the property was acquired during the marriage, then it belongs to both parties in case of divorce. Fifty-fifty. Even if it's registered under someone's name," said Hotman Paris, who is Desiree's legal representative, during the same occasion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Feeling Defamed by Her Child, Mikhavita Wijaya's Mother Clarifies the Issue of Affair with Her Stepfather, Hotma Sitompul

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Feeling Defamed by Her Child, Mikhavita Wijaya's Mother Clarifies the Issue of Affair with Her Stepfather, Hotma Sitompul