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Flood of Programs on Television During Ramadan, Andre Taulany Sleeps from 6 AM - Wakes Up at Noon

Flood of Programs on Television During Ramadan, Andre Taulany Sleeps from 6 AM - Wakes Up at Noon Andre Taulany © - Artist and comedian Andre Taulany is one of the celebrities who has many programs on television. Not only regular programs, but this father of three children also fills the suhoor and iftar programs during Ramadan.

"Alhamdulillah on Trans 7, I have a lot of programs, there's 'Lapor Pak', there's 'Pas Buka', there's 'D'Cafe', there's 'Sahur Seger', there's 'Ada Show'. So it seems like Trans 7 will change to Taulany 7, haha," said Andre Taulany on Trans TV, not long ago.





1. Already 11 Years

Andre said, for the past 11 years, he has always been involved in Ramadan programs, especially suhoor and iftar. Andre feels grateful to still be able to participate in special Ramadan events every year.

"Starting from the first time in OVJ 2010. So, OVJ suhoor was the first time in 2010 until now, which means 11 years. Only last year I didn't participate in suhoor, the suhoor was on Taulany TV last year," he said.


2. Sufficient Rest

Of course, in order to keep his body in good condition amidst a fairly busy schedule, the former vocalist of the band Stinky really takes enough rest. After finishing shooting the suhoor program, Andre admitted that he immediately goes home and sleeps until noon.

"After suhoor, I go home, rest, sleep. I try to get eight hours of sleep. Usually, when I have jet lag, it's actually difficult to sleep, so maybe I sleep at 6 am and wake up at 10 am," said Andre Taulany.


3. Afternoon Nap

"But try to sleep until 12 noon. Six hours is refreshing, after that we continue our activities. In the afternoon, there is another iftar event. That's how it goes for this whole month. God willing, we are given good health," concluded Andre Taulany.

Keeping the body fit like Andre's is certainly important, especially in the midst of this pandemic. In addition, make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu (#RememberMother'sMessage). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. May KLovers always be healthy!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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