These celebrities were once part of a girlband in Indonesia. Now they have appeared more covered up and wearing hijab.
Who are these celebrities? Find out more here.
Celebrity Hijab
These celebrities were once part of a girlband in Indonesia. Now they have appeared more covered up and wearing hijab.
Who are these celebrities? Find out more here.
Before wearing hijab, Inara Rusli, the wife of Virgoun, was a member of the girlband Bexxa. Now she wears hijab and deepens her religious knowledge.
Anisa Rahma was part of the girlband Cherrybelle. Now she confidently wears hijab and deepens her religious knowledge.
Melody Nurramdhani Laksani is a former member of JKT48. After leaving the girl group that made her name, she decided to get married and wear a hijab.
Sivia Azizah is a former member of Blink. She now wears a hijab that is quite fashionable. Sivia often combines various styles with her hijab.
Ana Octarina is a former member of Princess along with Alika and Elma Agustin. After a long absence following Princess' disbandment, she now appears wearing a hijab.
Similarly, Sindy Havresthino, who was also a member of Princess. She now appears covered up by wearing a hijab.
Here is the cool appearance of Nia Ramadhani in a virtual photoshoot. Curious how it looks like?
Selfi Yamma or commonly known as Selfi LIDA has been changing her appearance by wearing hijab for several months. During that time, she has faced many challenges.
Here are a series of photos of Five Vi who now wears hijab and niqab. Curious?
Now wearing a veil, Five Vi wants to inspire many people after hijrah.
Determined to migrate, Five Vi has now decided to wear a veil.
After refusing all jobs, this is the reason why Five Vi finally dared to appear on TV.
Katty Butterfly is once again being prayed for to quickly receive guidance.
Do you still remember Lindswell Kwok? Now she looks even more beautiful and happy with her small family!
Kartika Putri reveals the reasons behind her decision to convert. Read more here!
Laudya Cynthia Bella's post about the test from God. Curious about what it's like?
Aisyahrani prayed for her sister to soon receive guidance to wear hijab. This is Syahrini's reaction.
Ayana Moon shares information about her stylish appearance. Curious?