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Happy to Gather in Indonesia, Here are 7 Photos of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy who Must Separate Again

Happy to Gather in Indonesia, Here are 7 Photos of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy who Must Separate Again Photos of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy in Indonesia (credit: - The togetherness of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy in Indonesia also attracted the attention of fans. The siblings, who live on separate continents, were very happy to spend time together in their hometown.

Often expressing their longing for each other, now after being separated by distance, their meeting in the homeland became a moment to release their longing. After vacationing together in the past few weeks, the togetherness of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy reached its end.

Because now they have to return to their residence abroad. Through their social media accounts, Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy shared their farewell moments at the airport. Curious about what the picture looks like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Photos of Togetherness of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy in Indonesia

The closeness of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy as siblings is often praised. Recently, they finally met again after returning to Indonesia in early February. Through their social media accounts, these two beautiful celebrities show the beautiful moments they shared in Indonesia. Here are the photos of their togetherness after longing for each other despite living on different continents.

2. Happy to be Reunited

The moment of being reunited in Indonesia was very memorable for Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy. Their return was warmly welcomed by their extended family when they arrived in Indonesia. The happiness was even more complete when they brought their respective partners. Gracia Indri brought her beloved husband and child, while Gisela Cindy brought her boyfriend to meet the extended family.

3. Vacation with Family

Gracia and Gisela spent a memorable vacation in several tourist destinations in Indonesia, including a safari park and Bali island. They were seen enjoying every moment with their family. This is a portrait of them having fun during a family vacation.

4. Super Compact

Although they haven't met for a long time, the compactness of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy is still evident from various moments of their vacation in Indonesia. In fact, they both wore matching outfits when sharing interesting content on social media. This is a fun portrait of their closeness. They even made funny videos together for their content. Isn't it adorable?

5. Now they have to part again

After happily gathering with family in Indonesia, recently Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy had to go back to their activities. Gisela Cindy is known to have returned to Canada with her boyfriend. Gracia Indri admitted that she didn't like this moment of parting amidst the many moments they spent together in Indonesia.

"I dislike this moment the most," wrote Gracia Indri in a comment to @giselacindy12.

6. Returning to Canada and the Netherlands

Now, both of them are preparing to return to Canada and the Netherlands. For your information, Gracia Indri lives in the Netherlands with her husband and beloved child. Meanwhile, Gisela Cindy lives in Canada. After some time in Indonesia, Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy are separated again. Through social media accounts, Gisela Cindy bid farewell to her sister and family, which made her cry.

"Until next time? Crying because we have to part again," wrote Gisela Cindy in the caption @giselacindy12.

7. Sending to the Airport

In their latest post, the siblings are seen at the airport. It seems that Gisela Cindy returned to Canada first. Meanwhile, Gracia Indri, based on her social media post, is still in Indonesia. Here is a portrait of Gisela Cindy with her nephew. She didn't miss the moment to carry Baby Nova before parting again.

That's the portrait of Gracia Indri and Gisela Cindy being separated again after spending time together in Indonesia. Was it a warm moment when they were together, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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