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Help with Household Chores, Ustaz Riza Muhammad Flooded with Praise

Help with Household Chores, Ustaz Riza Muhammad Flooded with Praise Indri Giana and Riza Muhammad © - Amidst his busy schedule as a religious teacher, Riza Muhammad proves that love and responsibility in a household are not just spoken, but also manifested. In the morning talk show Pagi Pagi Ambyar aired on Trans TV on Monday (3/3/2025), he and his beloved wife, Indri Giana, shared stories about their harmonious life.

What caught attention was Riza's commitment to being directly involved in household chores. Ustaz Riza is not hesitant to tackle the heavy tasks at home.

"Yes, washing dishes. I said, for the heavy tasks, leave them to me," said Riza, which was affirmed by Indri.

1. The Role of a Husband in the Household

More than just helping, Riza emphasizes that household chores are not the exclusive duty of a wife. He wants to stress that a wife is not a helper, but a life partner who deserves respect and love.

"A wife is created to marry not to cook, wash, or be a helper. But, to serve her husband," he stated firmly.

2. Inspiration for Young Couples

Ustaz Riza emphasizes that the role of a husband in the household is very important. He believes that domestic duties are not only the responsibility of the wife, but the husband must also actively contribute.

"It is not her job, it is not her obligation to wash or cook. Her only duty is to take care of her husband and children," he added.

Riza's acknowledgment has made netizens feel envious of Indri and given her many compliments. Many hope they can have a husband who helps with household chores like Riza does.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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