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Iconic Roles of Dorce Gamalama in Movies and Soap Operas, Becoming the Switched Twins - Transgender Woman Singer Pub

Iconic Roles of Dorce Gamalama in Movies and Soap Operas, Becoming the Switched Twins - Transgender Woman Singer Pub A series of iconic roles of Dorce Gamalama in movies and soap operas. Credit: Special - The figure of Dorce Gamalama has been declared dead on Wednesday (16/2) this week. From the information obtained, the late's departure was due to being exposed to Covid.

The entertainment world has once again lost a figure with a wealth of talent. In his career, Dorce Gamalama has also been involved in various feature films and soap operas.

Here are a series of iconic roles played by Dorce Gamalama.

1. In 1989, Dorce Gamalama starred in the film DORCE SOK AKRAB. In this feature film, he acted alongside famous stars such as Kadir and Doyok.

2. In DORCE SOK AKRAB, Dorce Gamalama played dual roles as twin siblings (named Dorce) who were switched at birth!

3. In 1990, Dorce Gamalama was involved in a feature film as the main character titled DORCE MEETS SOULMATE.

4. In the film DORCE MEETS SOULMATE, Dorce Gamalama played the role of a transgender woman character named Dorce. Of course, this project became a topic of conversation at the time.

5. In 2008, Dorce Gamalama was involved in a film titled JUST DO IT. In the film, she starred alongside a series of stars such as Kiki Fatmala, Adul, Verlita Evelyn, and many more.

6. Dorce Gamalama portrayed the character named Mak Irit in the film JUST DO IT. Her role was unique as she possessed magical powers to make objects big and small.

7. In 2009, Dorce Gamalama starred in a horror comedy film called HANTU BIANG KEROK. In the film, he played a character named Mbah Upit.

8. In this horror comedy film HANTU BIANG KEROK, Dorce Gamalama played a supporting character named Mbah Upit.

9. Not only in feature films, Dorce Gamalama also participated in several soap opera titles. One of them is the INCAN, ENCIM, ONCOM series in 2007.

10. In that soap opera, Dorce Gamalama became one of the main story drivers. He played a character named Bu Dorce.

11. Lastly, Dorce Gamalama also participated in the soap opera KECIL-KECIL MIKIR JADI MANTEN in 2017 which aired on ANTV.

12. By THINKING SMALL, Dorce Gamalama returns to play a character with the same name as herself, Dorce. This is also the last soap opera starring the late actress.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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