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Immediately Divorced Three Wives, Ferry Irawan: There is No Third Person

Immediately Divorced Three Wives, Ferry Irawan: There is No Third Person Ferry Irawan © Herdianto - Ferry Irawan is indeed the person being sued for divorce by Anggia Novita to the South Jakarta Religious Court. However, because Anggia Novita decided to end the marriage, the 44-year-old man decided to pronounce triple divorce in front of the judge during the trial.

In addition, the reason why Ferry Irawan did this is because he did not want to prolong the trial process, considering that he is currently recovering from a ruptured blood vessel in his head.

"Yes, actually it's very, very disturbing. That's why before this I went to the doctor to get an injection to prevent anything from happening to me," he said after the trial on Thursday (26/8).

Ferry Irawan also did not want to disclose the problems that occurred between him and his wife.

1. Not Because of the Presence of a Third Person

"If the problem is only known by me and Allah, I will never reveal, tell, or express what happened in my household, whether it's disgrace or ugliness," said Ferry Irawan.

However, Ferry Irawan ensures that the collapse of the household built with Anggia Novita for years is not because of the presence of a third person.

"Alhamdulillah, there is no (third person)," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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