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15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret


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15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

This week is an important and highly anticipated week for Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fans. Yes, the latest thriller SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME has finally been released. This series continues the story from the previous series, where Peter Parker's true identity is revealed due to Mysterio's propaganda.

Interestingly, this film is rumored to feature a lineup of classic Spiderman villains from another universe created by Sam Raimi. So, what about Peter Parker from another universe? Let's find out the details and easter eggs in the following review.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

Thriller opens with a scene of MJ and Peter hanging out on a rooftop. In the background, there is a mural of 'Ditko'. One of these easter eggs refers to Steve Ditko, who is the co-creator of Stan Lee and has published many works.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

Unlike previous Spiderman series with Tom Holland, this time he is labeled as a public enemy due to false accusations from Mysterio, who claims that Peter is his killer. Billboards throughout Times Square are seen broadcasting this news.


This series is rumored to feature Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock. It should be noted that Matt Murdock is Daredevil, one of Stan Lee's creations and also one of the original Netflix series. It is still unknown whether he will become an ally or enemy of Peter.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

From this screenshot, MCU fans still can't move on from the assumption that Mephisto is the hidden villain even in the last series of Spiderman in the Tom Holland era.


The Spiderman series always showcases the latest costumes. In this series, Peter wears a costume with a different pattern from the previous series, which is black and gold.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

The setting of this film seems to be close to Halloween. It can be seen from the decorations of witches that make Peter come up with the idea to seek help from Dr. Strange.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

In addition, there is a decoration of a black cat that is often associated with Black Cat, one of Spiderman's allies in the comics and one of the characters who has been involved romantically besides MJ and Gwen Stacy.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

The MCU this time adopts the concept of the multiverse in the plot of every film and series after the Infinity Saga, including this latest Spiderman. Now one of the mysteries is a box that Peter is carrying before his astral form is released by Dr. Strange. Many say that this box is a device to control reality as a replacement for the time stone that Strange no longer possesses.


The chaos of the sacred timeline/multiverse causes Spidey and Strange to fall into the chaos between universes and have to encounter a series of villains from various universes. One of the most clear is the appearance of Dr. Octavius.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

Not only Octavius, this latest Spiderman MCU series is rumored to bring out a series of other supervillains called the Sinister Six. One that is clearly visible is Green Goblin, although only the pumpkin bomb and the iconic grin of Willem Dafoe can be seen.


Well, next up is Electro, seen from his lightning strikes and flashes. Although Jamie Foxx's figure is still not visible. However, from this depiction, it has been confirmed that one of the Sinister Six members will be filled by Electro.


Another villain in the lineup is Sandman. This enemy, whose DNA is mixed with atomic elements from sand, will also become the next member of the Sinister Six.


Now, here is one of the Sinister Six that is still vague. Many people say that the figure in the clip at 2:26 minutes is Lizard. As for the sixth position, the next supervillain is still undisclosed. According to KLovers, who do you think it is?

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

Although it has revealed who the potential villains are, SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME has not yet shown the Spiderman characters from 3 different Universes.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

The possibility of this biggest easter egg is still kept secret until the movie is released in December. However, the chance of Spiderman coming together remains wide open because of this reason; this is the last series of Spiderman in the Tom Holland era, the biggest culmination of the nexus event in the Spiderman universe, and Spiderman has always been the flagship film of Marvel and Sony throughout the ages.

15 Detail Easter Egg SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME that were Missed, Featuring a Lineup of Classic Villains - Still Keeping Spiderman from Another Universe a Secret

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