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Insulted and Insulted by Lucinta Luna, Gebby Vesta Instead Grateful Because the Public Knows Her

Insulted and Insulted by Lucinta Luna, Gebby Vesta Instead Grateful Because the Public Knows Her Gebby Vesta thanks Lucinta Luna © Akrom Sukarya - Lucinta Luna and Gebby Vesta are a pair of friends who have been feuding for the past two years. When Lucinta was imprisoned for proven drug abuse, Gebby loudly talked about the singer's past.

When asked if all her words were only aimed at taking advantage of the situation to gain popularity, Gebby denied it. She was just expressing her frustration because Lucinta's behavior had hurt her.

"If you want to call it taking advantage, I have rejected many television invitations. I never wanted to appear on television except for the media because I don't need to come to television stations. I refuse because I don't want to sell sensation, I want achievements that I can be proud of," Gebby said when met in the Kalibata area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/2/2020).

1. Thank You to Lucinta Luna

Although hurt, Gebby Vesta chooses to let go as her rights as the creator of the song Bobo Di Mana were not paid by Lucinta Luna. Thanks to her friend, she is now known for her abilities outside of being a disc jockey.

"I am also grateful to Lucinta, if it wasn't for her, people wouldn't know me as a songwriter. So there is feedback, take and give. Even though my royalties were not paid in hundreds of millions, people know me as the song creator," explained Gebby.

2. Reporting under the ITE Article

Based on this, Gebby Vesta did not report Lucinta Luna for breach of contract. She only made a criminal report regarding defamation and insults that caused her father to have a stroke.

"As stated by my client Gebby Vesta, because there is harm from the criminal act, my client as a citizen has the right to report. We apply the ITE article because the defamation and insults were done through the electronic media of Lucinta Luna's Instagram account," said Gilbert Marciano as the legal counsel met at the same place.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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