Kapanlagi.com - Oki Setiana Dewi is known as one of the popular figures in the entertainment industry. Before deciding to become a preacher, Oki was famous as an actress in Indonesia, even winning several prestigious awards in the world of performing arts. Now, Oki Setiana Dewi plans to settle in Egypt with her husband and children.
In fact, she is ready to leave her job as a preacher and her business in Indonesia if they decide to move to Egypt. As a mother of four children, Oki stated that their relocation plan has been planned for a long time, and they plan to depart in June. Oki Setiana Dewi's main goal in settling in Egypt is to deepen her knowledge of Islam.
1. Starting a Career as a Film Player

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
Oki Setiana Dewi made her debut in the entertainment industry when she starred in the film 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' in 2009. Her debut was successful with her role as the character Anna Althafunnisa.
The success of the film 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' led to the production of this film twice. Not only that, the film was also adapted into a soap opera version titled 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Spesial Ramadhan' and 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Meraih Ridho Illahi'.
2. Pursuing Education to Deepen Religious Knowledge

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
Despite her success in the entertainment industry, Oki Setiana Dewi still prioritizes her education. She explores Islam more deeply through formal and informal education.
She obtained her Bachelor's degree from the University of Indonesia, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Dutch Literature Study Program in 2012. Then, she continued her Master's studies at the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) with a study program in Early Childhood Education and graduated in 2016.
Oki didn't stop there. She continued her PhD studies at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, taking the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program with a concentration in Da'wah.
In addition, she also pursued a PhD degree at the PTIQ Institute Jakarta, in the field of Quranic Sciences and Interpretation with a concentration in Quran-based Education. Not only focusing on formal education, Oki also seeks knowledge through non-formal means.
She memorized the Quran at the Daarut Tarbiyah Quran Memorization House in Depok, led by Ustadz Fadlyl Baharun. In addition, she also studied Arabic at the Language Institute of Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah.
3. Presenting Preaching Programs on Television

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
After completing religious education, Oki Setiana Dewi then began to be involved in preaching programs on television. Since 2014, she has become one of the hosts on 'Islam Itu Indah' Trans TV.
4. Working as a Book Writer

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
Oki is also known as a quite productive writer. At least, there are 7 books that have been written by Oki. Her first book, 'Melukis Pelangi', was published in 2011.
Meanwhile, her latest book, titled 'Sebentang Kearifan dari Barat', was published in 2018.
5. Working as a Preacher and Owner of a Foundation

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
Oki Setiana Dewi is famous as a preacher. In addition, she also established a foundation named 'Yayasan Maskanul Huffadz' which focuses on religious education.
6. Deciding to Move to Egypt to Continue Education

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
The sister of Ria Ricis, Oki Setiana Dewi has decided to migrate to Egypt. She revealed that her move will happen after performing the Hajj pilgrimage, not for vacation, but for educational reasons.
Like her mother, Maryam and Khadeejah will also continue their schooling in Egypt. Oki Setiana Dewi will not be alone, she will also bring her two daughters who will study there.
Her husband, Ory Vitrio, and their two sons, Ibrahim Muhammad Abdullah and Sulaiman Ali Abdullah, will also follow to Egypt afterwards.
7. Continuing to Deliver Lectures in Indonesia Online

(Source: Instagram @okisetianadewi)
Settling in Egypt was certainly not an easy decision for Oki Setiana Dewi. She had to prepare many things, especially because she brought her entire family with her.
Currently, the sister of YouTuber Ria Ricis is busy with various preparations. One of them is deepening her Arabic language skills.
Oki also expressed how difficult it was to leave her homeland, especially because she had to be separated from her two young sons. Nevertheless, Oki Setiana Dewi stated her commitment to continue providing lectures online to the Indonesian community.
She hopes to gain a lot of knowledge while staying in Egypt, as well as develop many things in the country.
8. What Religion is Oki Setiana Dewi Following?
Oki is well-known as a devout follower of Islam. She studies her religion intensively, even studying at Ummul Quro University.
9. Where Did Oki Setiana Dewi Study Religious Knowledge?
Oki has a long record of Islamic education, including participating in the Quran Memorization program at Daarut Tarbiyah Quran House in Depok (2012), and taking Arabic language courses at Umm Al Qura University Language Institute in Makkah (2012).
10. What Illness Does Oki Setiana Dewi's Child Have?
Oki Setiana Dewi has previously informed that her fourth son, Sulaiman Ali Abdullah, has been diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS).
11. Where is Oki Setiana Dewi's Islamic Boarding School Located?
Tahfidz Maskanul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School, based in Bintaro, South Tangerang, owned by Oki Setiana Dewi, held a grand graduation ceremony at Menara 165, South Jakarta.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.