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Ivan Gunawan Grateful for Successfully Losing 12 Kg in 1 Month

Ivan Gunawan Grateful for Successfully Losing 12 Kg in 1 Month Ivan Gunawan © - Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - Besides appearance, celebrities are certainly required to maintain their physical condition to look good in front of the public. Various methods can be done, one of which is by paying attention to their food intake.

Ivan Gunawan is serious in accepting Deddy Corbuzier's challenge to lose weight. This celebrity and designer has tried several methods to achieve it.

The multi-talented artist claimed that he has successfully lost 12 kilograms of weight. Not only that, he managed to lose that weight within one month.

"Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), I have lost 12 kilograms in one month, minus 1 ounce," said Ivan Gunawan in Jakarta, Saturday (7/8/2021).

1. Lose Weight

Ivan, who previously weighed 181 kilograms, will continue to lose weight. He admitted that he is motivated to reach his ideal weight.

He even wants to surpass Deddy Corbuzier's target, who challenged him to lose 20 kilograms in three months. Ivan wants to lose 40 to 60 kilograms.

"Ideally, I want to lose 60 or 40 kilograms," he said.

2. Assisted by a Doctor

Ivan Gunawan further stated that he can quickly lose weight because he is assisted by a doctor he knows.

The reason is that he needs a doctor to maintain his dietary intake. He has to pay attention to the food he consumes, which must be healthy.

One of the ways is by avoiding fried foods and sweeteners. Ivan prefers to drink only plain water to maintain his diet.

"I am being monitored by a doctor to ensure that the intake into my body is truly healthy. So, I don't eat fried foods and sweet things. I only drink plain water," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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