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Jago Melukis, Antonio Blanco Jr Star of the Soap Opera 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Admits Can't Daydream

Jago Melukis, Antonio Blanco Jr Star of the Soap Opera 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Admits Can't Daydream Antonio Blanco Jr (Credit: - The name Antonio Blanco Jr is already well known to the public through his acting in various soap operas and FTVs. Moreover, now he has been chosen as the main actor in the soap opera BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI.

No wonder the acting of this man born in Denpasar, March 28, 1999 is so impressive. But who would have thought, he is not only good at acting but also good at painting. This was known from the broadcast of Status Selebriti in mid-July.

In the midst of shooting, the man who is usually called Nio looked busy scribbling on paper. Modestly, he admitted that he only paints as a hobby.

"Oh, I'm not a teacher. I just paint as a hobby," said the grandson of the famous painter Antonio Blanco.

Although he is good at painting, Nio rarely uploads his works on Instagram. Because drawing like that takes time.


1. Rarely Uploaded on Instagram

"Why do I rarely post on Instagram like this? Because usually, a picture like this takes up a lot of time," she continued while still busy painting.

Once it's done, Nio explained that the picture is her own hand.

"So this is my hand. I made it like this with unclear lighting. So it's bright everywhere, like this," she explained.

Although she is really good at painting, Nio admitted that she can't imagine things like most artists.

"So I'm the type of painter who can't imagine. So if asked to 'draw a rabbit', then I would just copy a rabbit. I can't do that," said the film star CALON BINI.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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