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Jihan Fahira Quits Acting Since 2014, Has Bigger Responsibilities

Jihan Fahira Quits Acting Since 2014, Has Bigger Responsibilities istimewa - Actress Jihan Fahira has left the acting world since 2014. Now, the wife of Primus Yustisio is focusing on being a mother who takes care of her children at home. Jihan Fahira revealed that she decided to leave the acting world because she was asked directly by her beloved husband.

"The last time I filmed was in 2014, then, Mas Primus asked me to stay at home with the children," said Jihan Fahira in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, recently.

Although she has starred in dozens of soap operas, Jihan admitted that she did not mind leaving the acting world. Because now she has bigger responsibilities.
"Not really, because I have bigger responsibilities now," she said.

1. Missing Acting

Since quitting acting in 2014, Jihan Fahira sometimes feels nostalgic when she is on a filming location.

"I miss the filming location, the crew, the crowd," she said.

Meanwhile, Jihan Fahira is also not sure whether she will return to the acting world or not. What is certain is that for now, she does not want to focus on the acting that has made her name.

"I don't know about the future, but for now, I have other priorities. So, I'm not going back there yet," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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