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Accompanying Doddy Sudrajat's Eye Bag Surgery, Here are 7 Photos of Barbie Kumalasari That Netizens Pray Will Be Matched - Said to be Suitable

Accompanying Doddy Sudrajat's Eye Bag Surgery, Here are 7 Photos of Barbie Kumalasari That Netizens Pray Will Be Matched - Said to be Suitable Photos of Barbie Kumalasari That Netizens Pray Will Be Matched with Doddy Sudrajat (credit: instagram/barbiekumalasari) - Barbie Kumalasari is in the spotlight of Indonesian netizens again. This time, Barbie Kumalasari is highlighted after sharing her togetherness with the late Vanessa Angel's father, Doddy Sudrajat.

Most recently, Barbie Kumalasari is known to accompany Doddy Sudrajat during his eye bag surgery. The togetherness of Barbie and Doddy in that moment made many netizens pray that they would truly be matched.

This also makes many netizens curious about the latest news and photos of Barbie Kumalasari. If you are one of those curious KLovers, just take a look at some of her photos below.



1. Accompanying Eye Surgery

This is the moment when Barbie Kumalasari accompanied Doddy Sudrajat during his eye surgery. This moment caught the attention of netizens. Because in this moment, Barbie looked like a wife who was accompanying her husband.



2. Looking More Intimate

As time goes by, Barbie Kumalasari and Doddy Sudrajat also seem unhesitant to show their closeness. Barbie and Doddy are not shy about showing their affection. For example, when accompanying eye surgery, Barbie was seen helping to remove Doddy's glasses.



3. Prayed to be Matched

Many netizens have mentioned that Barbie Kumalasari and Doddy Sudrajat look compatible and have even prayed for them to be together. Apart from being compatible, Barbie and Doddy are also considered suitable because they are both controversial.



4. Increasingly Sharing Moments Together

Barbie Kumalasari has been sharing more and more moments with Doddy Sudrajat on Instagram. Recently, Barbie uploaded a live video with Doddy. In the live video, Barbie and Doddy looked close and friendly.



5. Just Celebrated Her 41st Birthday

Barbie Kumalasari herself just celebrated her birthday on May 7, 2023. Currently, Barbie Kumalasari is 41 years old. On this birthday, Barbie celebrated with some of her closest friends.



6. Still Active in the Entertainment World

Barbie Kumalasari may no longer appear on television frequently. However, Barbie Kumalasari is still active in the entertainment world. As evidenced, Barbie is still often invited to award shows on a television station.



7. Socialite Style

Every time she attends an important event, Barbie Kumalasari's appearance always successfully attracts attention. Barbie often has a socialite-style. Like in this moment, Barbie appears to be wearing a red and black dress that makes her look like a socialite.

Those are some of the portraits of Barbie Kumalasari who are prayed to be together with Doddy Sudrajat. What do you think, KLovers, do you think they are suitable?







Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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