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Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

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Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

In August 2019, Uki Kautsar decided to leave NOAH, the band that made his name famous. After some investigation, Uki chose the path of hijrah (religious transformation) and became a more religious figure. In line with his decision, Uki slowly began to change his appearance. What does he look like now? Check out the following photos.


This is the latest appearance of Uki, who has now transformed and no longer touches the entertainment world in the homeland.


Still looking handsome, but Uki now has a different fashion style. His thick beard never disappears from his face.

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

From a lifestyle perspective, Uki has changed a lot. He now participates more in religious events. He is no longer involved in music.

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

Interestingly, Uki recently made a quite surprising confession on the Belajar Sunah YouTube channel.


Uki admits that he is not proud at all because he used to be a very famous musician.

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

Instead, Uki straightforwardly states that music is the gateway to various kinds of sins.

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

Although he has many fans and has created many songs, he believes that it is worldly and does not elevate his status in the eyes of Allah.


As a musician, things like alcohol, cigarettes, and women are called ordinary things by him. And that's what makes him not proud of his past.

Latest Appearance Portrait of Uki Former NOAH, Now More Religious Calling Music the Door of Sin

According to Uki, the music industry contains many harmful things that are not realized by its practitioners.


So what do KLovers think about Uki's appearance and statement? Write your comments!


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