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Latest News: Fuji Utami, These 5 Indonesian Celebrities Were Also Deceived by Their Own Employees - Losing Billions!

Latest News: Fuji Utami, These 5 Indonesian Celebrities Were Also Deceived by Their Own Employees - Losing Billions! (photo credit: - Indonesian celebrity, Fuji Utama recently reported her former manager for violating Article 378 of the Indonesian Penal Code regarding cases of fraud and embezzlement that befell her. Not only that, she even felt that her reputation was tarnished due to the actions of her former manager.

Her ex-boyfriend, Thoriq Halilintar, then visited the West Jakarta Metro Police because he was frustrated by the lack of goodwill from his former manager with the initials B. He suffered losses of more than 1 billion. Apart from Fuji, it turns out that many Indonesian celebrities have been stabbed in the back and deceived by their own employees. Want to know who they are? Check out the information below!


1. Aghnia Punjabi

In May 2023, an Indonesian hijab influencer with 1.4 million followers, Aghnia Punjabi, gained sympathy from netizens because her employee had embezzled funds. The embezzled amount was significant, amounting to 800 million. She expressed her disappointment through a video uploaded to her TikTok and Instagram accounts, which received many prayers from netizens. Her disappointment is profound as the employee was someone she trusted. Agnia collected evidence for a month to be processed through legal channels.


2. Nirina Zubir

In 2021, Nirina Zubir became a victim of a fraud with a tremendous amount of loss. The fraud case experienced by Nirina Zubir was committed by her own household assistant, whom she had trusted, but instead stabbed her in the back. Nirina Zubir suffered a total loss of 17 billion Indonesian Rupiah. The amount includes the embezzlement of several assets in the form of land certificates. As a result of the fraud case, Nirina's former household assistant was sentenced to 13 years in prison.


3. Dewi Perssik

Not to be outdone in the news, Dewi Perssik also became a victim of embezzlement by her former manager who was also her ex-husband. Apparently, her ex-husband, Angga Wijaya, embezzled Dewi Perssik's funds by repeatedly withdrawing tens of millions of rupiah until it reached 100 million rupiah, and transferred the money to another account whose owner Dewi Perssik herself did not know. It is suspected that because of this, Angga and Dewi divorced.


4. Denny Sumargo

This time it comes from an Indonesian male celebrity, in 2021, renowned presenter and YouTuber Denny Sumargo reported his former manager with the initials DA for defrauding him of Rp. 700 million. The modus operandi used by DA was to ask clients to pay for Denny Sumargo's services into his personal account without the artist's knowledge. In 2022, Denny Sumargo's former manager was declared a suspect and sentenced to 1 year in prison. 


5. Jessica Iskandar

Although not deceived by her employee, in 2022 the artist and mother of two, Jessica Iskandar or often called Jedar, was deceived by her close friend named Steffanus Budianto. It all started when Jedar found out that 11 of her rented cars were allegedly sold again by Steffanus without her knowledge. Even until now, the fraud case has not found any clarity. Steffanus has been declared as a wanted person but has not been arrested.

Jedar even pleaded with the Police Chief and President Joko Widodo to help with her case through her Instagram account. However, until now, there are no signs of clarity, and she is trying to reconcile her heart and trying to accept the loss of her 10 billion Rupiah.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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