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Like Besties, Here Are 7 Photos of Donna Agnesia with Her Daughter

Like Besties, Here Are 7 Photos of Donna Agnesia with Her Daughter Photos of Donna Agnesia with Her Daughter (Credit: Instagram/dagnesia) - At the beginning of her appearance, Donna Agnesia was known as a model. Her name became more popular after venturing into the world of presenting on a sports TV program.

Still exist until now, not only her career journey that often steals attention. Donna Agnesia's daughter, who is now a teenager, is also a spotlight. This girl named Sabrina is so close to her mother like besties.

Well, curious about the photos of Donna Agnesia with her daughter like besties? Let's check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Donna Agnesia

Donna Agnesia is known as a celebrity who is involved in the world of modeling, presenting, and acting. She has started her career since the early 2000s, and this wife of Darius Sinathrya remains active until now. In fact, she actively shares her personal activities and moments with her family through social media.

2. Together with Sabrina, Her Daughter

Recently, Donna Agnesia uploaded a portrait together with Sabrina, her third daughter. Born in 2011, she is now 13 years old. At this age, Sabrina can be considered as a teenager, KLovers! Seeing Sabrina's growth, which is getting taller, many netizens are surprised.

3. Equally Beautiful

In every shared portrait, it is clear that Donna and Sabrina both have beautiful faces. As they grow older, Sabrina's charm inherited from her parents shines even more. It's no wonder that Donna Agnesia and Sabrina become a mother-daughter duo that often steals attention.

4. Wearing Matching Outfits

In their latest content, Donna Agnesia and Sabrina appear in matching outfits. They look so elegant in black and white bustier dresses. It is known that these clothes are part of Donna Agnesia's fashion business collection, KLovers!

5. Very Compact

In addition to matching clothes, Donna Agnesia and Sabrina show a very compact chemistry. In front of the camera, both of them are very flexible in posing. It seems that Sabrina has truly inherited modeling talent from her mother.

6. Like Besties

Donna Agnesia's relationship with her children is famously close. As is known, Donna Agnesia and Darius Sinathrya also have two sons, Lionel and Diego. Unlike her two brothers, Sabrina's closeness with her mother seems like besties because they are very close.

7. Donna Agnesia Looks Forever Young

In addition to closeness, Donna Agnesia's youthful appearance also influences the impression of her closeness with her child. Instead of a mother, Donna Agnesia is still suitable to be Sabrina's bestie, KLovers! Even though she is 45 years old, Donna still looks young like a teenager.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Donna Agnesia with her daughter Sabrina, who are like besties.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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