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Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

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Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

The marriage of former badminton player Ricky Subagja is often discussed. FYI, Ricky is now married to Cica Andjani, who is 26 years younger than him.

For Cica, she is often asked why she wants to marry an older man and is even mistaken for her husband's mistress. This is her story!


Through her TikTok post, Cica shares that she was once asked why she wants to marry a man who is 26 years older than her, someone who is like her uncle or even her father.

Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

In a playful manner, Cica then shows a video of Ricky when he was still one of the most handsome athletes in Indonesia. Even at the age of 52, Ricky's handsomeness has not faded and he still looks strong.


Cica refuses to be called a gadun by her husband, which means a man who loves women or has a mistress. Cica actually mentioned in another video that there are people who think she is Ricky's mistress.


Every human being has differences. The same goes for Ricky and Cica, who have a 26-year age difference.

Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

Cica said that one of the differences between them is their sense of humor. Maybe Ricky's jokes are more like those of older men.

Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

Cica then explained that other than that, their relationship is the same as any other. Anyway, this is a moment when they went to the mall together. Holding hands all the way!

Likes and Dislikes of Cica Andjani Becoming the Wife of Ricky Subagja, Who is 26 Years Older, Once Mistaken for a Child and a Mistress

Cica also praised Ricky and called her husband still young at heart. You can see it from the appearance of this Olympic gold medalist from Atlanta.


In addition, Cica explained that they can complement each other. Ricky is youthful. Cica, on the other hand, tries to be more mature.


However, Cica admitted that she has received a lot of unpleasant comments. Fortunately, she has now become accustomed to all of it.


Although she was annoyed because she was once mistaken as Ricky's child. It's just ridiculous!

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7 Portraits of Nathalie Holscher Who is Called Similar to Mahalini After Removing Hijab

Lately, the portraits of Nathalie Holscher have attracted attention. She appeared differently by letting her long hair loose after previously converting to Islam and deciding to wear a hijab. Now, Nathalie Holscher's selfie portraits on Instagram are said to resemble Mahalini, Rizky Febian's girlfriend.

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