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Maintain Good Relations, Inara Rusli Plans to Break Fast Together with Virgoun

Maintain Good Relations, Inara Rusli Plans to Break Fast Together with Virgoun - Inara Rusli revealed that she and her ex-husband, Virgoun, have forgiven each other before Ramadan 2025. In a statement in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, on March 5, 2025, Inara stated that they plan to break their fast together, which will also involve their children.

"Definitely. Alhamdulillah with the children's daddy because we have been forgiving each other since the beginning of Ramadan, so insyaallah we will plan to break fast together," said Inara Rusli as quoted by detikhot.

1. Plan for Breaking the Fast Together

Although there is no definite date for the breaking the fast event, Inara is optimistic that this plan will come to fruition during this holy month. Despite being divorced, Inara and Virgoun maintain a good relationship for the sake of their children.

"God willing later," she said.

2. Busy Filming During the Holy Month of Ramadan

This Ramadan is a different experience for Inara as she is also busy with a tight filming schedule. She admits to feeling busier but still tries to allocate time for her children. Inara is grateful that her children understand very well.

"Yes, thank God the kids understand, they support me. It all goes back to the fact that Allah has provided sustenance and good people, thank God it can be a remedy for fatigue," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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