Lawyer Denies Paula Doesn't Care About Her Children's Development
Paula Verhoeven's lawyer, Alvon Kurnia Palma, emphasized that his client cares deeply about her children. - Harvey Moeis's lawyer, Andi Ahmad Nur Darwin, appeared on Daniel Mananta's podcast to discuss the case involving his client. During the conversation, Daniel looked shocked when Andi mentioned Harvey Moeis's position in the trial, as if he were not the guilty party in the Rp 271 trillion corruption case.
Andi Ahmad expressed his admiration for Harvey Moeis's patience during the legal process. According to him, not everyone can face a trial calmly, without reacting much. However, Andi emphasized that the issue of right or wrong remains the authority of the judge.
Andi and Daniel © YouTube/Daniel Mananta Network
Andi Ahmad did not hesitate to express his admiration for Harvey's calm demeanor during the legal process. "I respect him (Harvey) because who can patiently attend that trial. I'm not talking about right or wrong, because the one who decides what is right or wrong is the judge," he said in a podcast that aired on Monday, (2/3) yesterday.
Daniel, who was already familiar with Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis, seemed to prefer to dig into Andi's perspective as a legal representative. However, Daniel's curiosity intensified when Andi mentioned that Harvey's name was rarely mentioned in the trial.
"You sit in the trial, but your name is hardly mentioned at all. What are you doing there? Just a decoration?" said Andi.
Daniel Mananta himself became a target for netizens because he was considered the one who matched Sandra Dewi with Harvey Moeis. Now Harvey is imprisoned and sentenced to 20 years for a corruption case at PT Timah, but he has filed an appeal.
Sandra Dewi has not yet commented on the new sentence received by her husband. On her Instagram page, Sandra has deleted all photos with Harvey, leaving only the endorsement photos there.
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