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Lawyer Denies Paula Doesn't Care About Her Children's Development

Lawyer Denies Paula Doesn't Care About Her Children's Development - Paula Verhoeven's lawyer, Alvon Kurnia Palma, emphasized that his client cares deeply about her children. This statement was made after news emerged suggesting that Paula was not enthusiastic about taking custody of her child.

"Who said that? If someone says so, ask the person directly. Don't just believe it," said Alvon at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (3/5/2025).

1. Wants to Spend Time With Her Children

Alvon also explained that Paula wants to have enough time to be with her children.

"She wants a time-sharing arrangement so she can be with the children. That is her right as a mother," he asserted.

2. Issue of Not Knowing the Children's Development

Another issue that has arisen is the news that Paula does not know about her children's development while living with Baim. However, Alvon does not want to comment further on this matter.

"That's a question for Baim. I can't answer that," said Alvon.

3. Denying the News of Paula Crying

In addition, Alvon denied the news that Paula cried after the hearing.

"There was no crying. Who said she cried? Her eyes weren't even watery," said Alvon.

4. News of Baim's House Flooding

Regarding the news that Baim's house was flooded, causing his children to evacuate, Alvon emphasized that this is beyond his knowledge.

"Wow, I don’t know about that. You should ask Baim," he said.

5. The Hearing is Conducted Privately

Alvon also emphasized that this trial process is conducted behind closed doors to protect the privacy of both parties.

"This is a closed trial to provide privacy to each party," he explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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